Faculty Development in a Private University in Kenya: Faculty Perceptions on What Is and What Should Be


In a context where faculty development programs are non-existence, this study was conducted to examine the possibility of establishing a faculty development program in a private university in Kenya. The study explored faculty views on what they envision would be the program’s goals and purposes and their work-related challenges. Data were collected from all full-time faculty using a survey instrument distributed through Survey Monkey. Findings show that junior faculty with limited work experience in arts and social sciences, business, and education were more positive about the program. The faculty were more likely to support the program if its goals and purpose focus on their career aspirations in terms of excellence in teaching and scholarship. Professional-related challenges identified relate to the need to develop skills to teach effectively, undertake and publish rigorous research, and secure competitive grants. The findings suggest that incipient faculty development programs would be successful if they target junior and less experienced faculty and are built around their career aspirations.